Larry McGurer, Pastor
Larry McGurer is a husband, father, and our pastor here at Christ Lutheran. He and his wife, Eden, were married in 2008. They have been blessed with three children: Joy, Isaac, and Asher. Through God’s grace and power, the McGurers strive to live life as a family on mission.
Larry desired to become a pastor for one reason – to tell people about Jesus' life-transforming Gospel. He was born and raised in Chardon, Ohio. He went to Concordia University in Chicago where he majored in psychology. From there he went to Concordia Seminary in St. Louis where he obtained a Masters of Divinity. He has served as a pastor since 2007. -
Donalyn Hammett, Music & Worship
Donalyn was born and raised in Atlanta, is the mother of Ryan and Juliet and married to John Hammett, the AV tech at Christ Lutheran. They were married at CLC in 2022. She is a career pharmacist, long time coffee house musician, trained classical ballet dancer, and she sang professionally with a sacred A cappella chorus in Atlanta.
Donalyn and John have both been followers of Jesus since childhood and their daily journey continues. When Donalyn visited Breckenridge in 2018, CLC spoke deeply to her. The church community was the driving force behind John and Donalyn moving to Summit County.
Her favorite quote comes from Jesus Calling, “ God’s kingdom is not about earning and deserving; it’s about believing and receiving”. CLC is a current and continual blessing for both Donalyn and John. -
John Hammett, Tech & Admin
John Hammett comes from military family of 5 children, and at one point he ended up in Vicenza, Italy, competing on a downhill racing ski team. This was unknowingly the springboard for events later in life, where he would meet Donalyn, also a lover of winter, and in 2020 they moved permanently to Summit County from Atlanta and began their relationship with Christ Lutheran Church. They were married as a part of a creative CLC sermon in February 2022.
John has a full-time job with Siemens Corporation as an engineer and is also the AV coordinator and the assistant Trustee for CLC. John has two children and two stepchildren who reside up and down the East Coast. Christ is alive at CLC, and John and Donalyn love being a part of anything CLC as it grows in all directions!